research in energy and environmental car
Started in 2009 as part of the research efforts of inndata Datentechnik and originating in the participation with Tyrolean clusters "Mechatronic" and "renewable energies" numerable cooperative research projects within environmental topics and renewable energy led to the founding of todays enerChange GmbH
2009 - 2010:
european concept for electric mobility,
our first study about current challenges in electric mobility and grid integration,
combined to first solution drafts for the e-Mobility-triangle of reach / charging possibilities / cost
funded by "Tiroler Zukunftsstiftung"
cooperation project "electric mobility"
creation of a research consortium of companies and universities
funded by "Wirtschaftsförderung des Landes Tirol"
feasability study "Akkumodulkonnektor"
cooperative research project on design and production of a experimental battery pack to create battery replacement systems for electric cars
funded by "Wirtschaftsförderung des Landes Tirol"
2011 - 2013:
K-Regio Research Center "enerChange"
cooperative research and developement project with 6 company and 2 university partners, running 3 years
funded by European Union (EFRE) and the Tyrolean Gouvernment
cooperative research project "verfügbarkeitsgestütztes Routing für Elektrofahrzeuge"
in cooperation with the Tyrolean "Kartenverlag KOMPASS"
funded by "Wirtschaftsförderung des Landes Tirol"
research company "enerChange GmbH"
To fulfill the organisational needs of the valuable cooperative R&D work of our partners, enerChange was founded in 2010 beginning to work in January 2011.
Following partners did cooperate in the K-Regio "enerChange" research and developement project:
ATB Becker, Absam
inndata Datentechnik GmbH, Innsbruck
enerChange GmbH, Innsbruck
- mattro mobility revolutions GmbH, Schwaz
- mechatronik Maschinenbau GmbH, Kufstein - Ebbs
- RED Bernard GmbH, Hall in Tirol
- Westcam Datentechnik GmbH, Mils bei Hall
- SWARCO Aktiengesellschaft, Wattens
- MCI die unternehmerische Hochschule, Innsbruck
Mechatronik / Umwelt- und Verfahrenstechnik
- Universität Innsbruck, Fakultät für Informatik